I'm not sure if it's the recent "moods" that have consumed my life, but I've become increasing more cynical about guys. Let's take my roommate for example (all names have been changed to protect the innocent). Carly has been talking to this guy Nate since September-ish. He is a real piece of...I guess I'll say work for the sake of not stirring up anything in my first blog. He lies. He cheats. He ignores her. She actually walked into his room to him in his boxers and his ex-girlfriend laying on his bed. Now, the story has changed since I originally heard it but I'm pretty sure that I was told she was in her unmentionables too. Seriously? Umm, get out while you still have a chance. Like a smart girl, she let some explicits fly and left. His excuse? Nothing happened, we were just hanging out. I like you. He's not even that cute. I mean, don't get me wrong, he is a fine piece of man, well, I guess before he cut his hair, now he just looks like a typical, slightly overweight frat guy. He's short, too. I'm not one to talk about height but let's be honest, tall guys (mostly) are sexier than shorter guys although there are exceptions to every rule. Anyways, they went on hiatus for about a month then he appeared back in her life which I think is in part my fault. I was drunk and lonely after the bar and called Nate's womanizing roommate Brandon. Not nearly my proudest moment but he knew how to work it. What that has to do with Carly is that Nate appeared around for this week and a half infatuation that I was involved in with Brandon. We didn't last (which it was never meant to) but Carly and Nate somewhat have...ick. He is an asshole.
There is also my Hispanic ex-boyfriend Julio. Word of advice: NEVER shit where you eat. I'm dealing with the aftermath and have been since we broke up in 2010. Unfortunately we work together so I can't just avoid and ignore him like I would prefer. A few months after we broke up, I was hanging out with this guy Matt from work. Nothing serious, no dates, just friendly hanging out. We got drunk one night but nothing happened. Well, Julio freaked out on me at work asking what was up and went behind my back and called my best friend Carrie whom he loathes and my sister Janie. Fast forward to this past fall and he's dating someone we work with...who told him that I was being mean to her...are you kidding me? What the f**k ever. So, tonight they were all over each other. I hate working with them. Maybe I'm being a child and it does bother me that it affects me this much, but when it's shoved in my face, I want to punch them in their vaginas. He is an asshole.
Like I said, I'm not sure if it's been my crappy mood recently but I've been so cynical about men. I'm not sure if it's because of the experiences that I have experienced recently or just being a bitchy woman who can't make up her mind about what she wants but I miss being optimistic and believing there are still "Prince Charming's." Did they all already find their Cinderella's?